Base 10 blocks

SKU: EL-0004


Unleash the power of tactile learning with Base Ten Blocks – where mathematical concepts take shape, from the smallest units to the grandest cubes, turning numbers into a hands-on adventure that sticks!

Availability: 17 in stock


Base-10 blocks are blocks of varying sizes, each representing a specific place value – ones, tens, or hundreds. Students can physically manipulate these blocks to construct and deconstruct numbers, grasping the significance of each place’s value. Additionally, students can visually represent the fundamental operations by stacking and rearranging the blocks, thereby making abstract concepts more concrete.

Contains a set of hundreds, tens, ones and ten-frames packed in a fiberboard base frame, and a user manual.

Ages: 4+

Weight: 0.866 kg

Color Scheme, Shape, and Quantity:
Square-shaped base-frame with wooden pieces, indicating ones (x30 – Brown), tens(x13 –  Polished), and hundreds(x2 – Yellow) colored in primary colors.

Box size: 7.5” x 7.5” x 1.75”

Wood and fiber board.

Weight 0.866 kg

Fun Activities

Uses and learning and intellectual development:

  • How Hindu-Arabic number system works?
  • How are numbers groups and ungrouped?
  • How does place value system work to make unlimited numerals from 10 symbols?
  • How decimals (fraction of tenths) work?
  • What is percentage and how it is used?
  • Learning relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages?
  • Learning benchmark numbers that help in estimation and mental-maths?
  • Making puzzles – on number operations.

Ideas for Math Activities:

Number Sense
  • How big numbers are formed?
  • How do we know about magnitude of a given numeral?
  • How numbers can be broken into smaller numbers?
  • How are numbers related to each other?
  • How are numbers affected by operations?
  • Where do we use numbers in real life?
  • What patterns do numbers form?


Place Value
  • What does place of a digit mean? How do we know real value of a digit in a given numeral?
  • How does place value concept works?
  • What is advantage of place value?
  • How is it different from other systems (e.g. Roman)?
  • What is significance of zero? Why do you think it was invented?


Writing Numerals
  • What is difference between number and numeral?
  • How are numerals formed?
  • Why do we need to group numbers?
  • Why do we need decimal point?
  • Why we align decimal points in arithmetic operations?


Number Operations
  • What are basic principle in number operations?
  • How are number grouped and ungrouped?
  • Why we start addition, subtraction operations from right side?
  • What are concept of change, compare and combine?



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    Good Quality Tools

    Absolutely loved the tools. The kids love them so much and they can’t put them down.

    December 4, 2023

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